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Salary Review Letter

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Salary Review Letter

Dear [Manager Name],

It has been a pleasure working for your esteemed company for the last [probation period, six month for example]. As you are aware, my probation period is over. During this time, I had enough time to evaluate my position at [the company name] and reached the conclusion that I have the potential and enthusiasm to deliver excellent results in the capacity of my job. I am delighted to know that you have decided to elevate my status from probative to permanent and I guarantee that you will not regret your decision.

I believe I have proven my abilities during this period and you are convinced that I am the suitable person for the position.

I would really appreciate it if the expression of trust you have put in me can be reflected in my pay and would like to kindly request for my salary to be reviewed based on the circumstances presented within.

Thank you.

[Your name]


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