The Salary Letter offers sample salary letter, salary letter template for your practical use.


Writing Salary Increase

Writing Salary Increase is a correspondence by an employee seeking for a raise in wages or salary from an employer. Normally, salary increases are granted by operation of an existing company policy providing for appropriate increase on the basis of productivity, sales, length of service, or any other justified circumstances. However, there may be some instances where an employees feel that they deserve a raise due to some reason which may have something to do with high performance rating, additional job assignment, sudden rise in usual living expenses

when writing a salary increase and making sure such request is given ample consideration by the company bosses are the following:

    1. Don’t forget proper formatting – A good letter should always be presentable and should at least conform with standard professional format.
    2. Heading and Address – It is best to include a heading on what the letter is all about so the addressee would have an instant idea on the purpose of the letter. Make sure to address the letter to the appropriate person in charge or the person who is capable of acting upon your request. In cases of salary increase, the addressee could be the “members of the board” or “ Chief Executive”. Always include their position below their name.
    3. Be concise and  straight to the point – After a short preliminary introduction, state your request and the reasons why you think it should be approved. Be polite and always say your thanks before you end the letter.


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